Category Archives: Our house

A good night’s rest.

After a long break from posting, I finally have some news that will help me with the restless nights of sleep. With the impending rains and a roof that serves more as a over-sized colander, it was time to take action. Armed only with some YouTube “do-it-yourself roofing” videos, the belief in myself, and a well rested back I began to tear off my roof. Ten minutes later I realized I was in way over my head while I gazed at the small hole in my roof.

Many many hours, a very very sore back, two layers of wood shake, and four trips to the dump later I was a third done.

I started this roofing project when I was the tender age of 37…at age 38 and 30 minutes before the first rain of the season I was finished. Soon, my back will feel better. Soon, the trip and a half left of debris sitting on the side of the house to dump will be gone. For now, I will enjoy a good night’s sleep knowing there’s a roof for our little Spanish Charmer.



Filed under Our house